Finding the Right Insurance

Welcome to Adulthood! As you make this next step in your life there are many big decisions you will need to make. One area that generally isn’t fun to talk about is insurance. You might still be covered on your parents policies (renters, auto, health, life, etc) and some of you might already be paying for this on your own. My advice is to find someone you trust, insurance is only as good as the person that sells it to you. You are buying a promise that someone will be there when something goes wrong and having a relationship will make that experience all the better.

If you are no longer living at home you will need to get your own auto policy. If you are renting a place or buying a home you will need a renters or homeowners policy. At the time of publication you are able to stay on your parents health insurance policy till age 26 so you may have sometime on this one. It’s probably cheaper to stay on your parents health insurance as long as you can but just realize this is a significant cost when you come off and start paying for it yourself. Another consideration is life insurance, at your age you will be able to lock in a great rate for 20-30 years. You will be thankful you did!

If you need any help navigating what you need we are always here to help; reach out to us through Insurance Management Group at (765.664.2333) or



Trent Dailey is the CEO of Insurance Management Group (IMG) and has been part of CWC for several years.


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